family members in bkt31 ^_^

family members in bkt31 ^_^
bon + mich + royee + angel + eva + pooh + bruce

Monday 15 June 2009

"bkt31 family pic"

cute corner

Tuesday 19 May 2009

study room

this is the temp study room. yet to do some renovation n cabinet customization. the book cases r from house dc31. bought them from ikea. lots more books in the store room, yet to organize :p

messy huh :p

house ID n parenting magazine corner
hehe.. the cake book n kids book misplaced :p

part of my jimmy's collection n scrapbook stories

+ exchange diaries + full series, no.1 not in here
both my favorite authors, miaoju n meiyee

travelling the world~~

more to laogong mindset improvement books :p

to be success, to read ppl mind.. macam macam ada

computing technical reference books n dictionaries

hardcover tall books at the bottom

be inspired! english books n my favorite precious moment bible :)
my full pregnancy guide!
a kanjiong mummy, bought when children r still toddlers :p
part of parenting books, children sex edu
+how to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk+ good one!
to me, it is applicable to couple relationship too
what i heart too when i was about 20 :p

sweet memories - photo albums
precious j13219-2008 14 years friendship day celebration

hehe bbb studio pic

those boxes - user manual, cd, warranty cards...

2 printers, not using :S

the table...

sis's comic n love stories n science fiction books corner

Monday 4 May 2009

living hall curtain

the curtain color is nicer if we let it be 1 panel size each side. with the white blind, it looks elegant (to me n my sis la :p) if we close it for the full panel, then it looks heavy especially at night bcoz of the lighting effect
new curtain :)

kitchen basket

somehow i found these baskets are very useful. cheap n nice :D from ikea of course..

left: for knifes
right: for children bottle, it suits for 3 :D

the white color cases r so useful